Thursday, February 13, 2014

Manga Information And Facts Is Manga For Tiny

Damnaku. "What— Time out! Wait! Stop!" "For how long?" "Forever!" Her gold eyes curved as she smiled. She spread her arms to the side as if to make a cross. Her mouth—which was twisted into the shape of a crescent moon slowly opened vertically. What could be seen behind it were fangs and a tongue that was red like blood. Her tongue moved. Like a snake. Licking her lips with her tongue, the girl smiled, and Itadakimasu." Along with that word, the danmaku moved. Fifty-nine balls of light came near manga to surround her. She couldn't move. Although she was unable to understand what was going on at all, she still thought that she had to avoid them, but there were so many bullets she didn't know how to. She saw each ball of light that came near her clearly. Her hope that there was no way she could die since this was a dream was shattered by the reasoning that even if it were a dream, she would die since she

recognized it as reality. Was she die? It didn't make sense. All of a sudden, Mary disappeared All of a sudden, a girl who could fly started attacking her with balls of light. Without even knowing what was going on, was she going to die all alone? More than fear anger at that injustice filled her. Alone. All by herself. Leaving Mary behind, just by herself! "MarYYYYYY!" When she noticed it, that name was already coming from her. With a loud voice that sounded like it could reach the balls of light that were approaching, the girl beyond them, and everywhere that wasn't here, Usami Renko yelled. The name of her Hilt club partner. A response to that voice didn't come. There was no voice that called back "ecchi," and the voice of the one she wanted to hear wasn't there either. Just, instead
—there was light

A pillar of light came from the sky. "Bright -" At the light that was like it switched from night to noon covered her eyes with her hand. A pillar of light. Light that shone gold came from the sky and stuck into the ground in a straight line— That was how it looked. The green balls of light and the girl with the ribbon were sucked into the light. She thought she heard a cute "Kyah," but she didn't have the time to think deeply about it. By the force of the pillar of light, the air shook, and it took all she had to not be blown away. But still, while bearing it, Renko yelled. "What exactly is going on!?" She became aware of it; that she was an outsider. Mary disappeared, or she disappeared, and she went to the other side from her world. There, it was a devil's world far from heaven where girls flew while shooting balls of light, and on top of that, light rained down from the sky.

hat was okay. Anything was possible in a dream, and it wasn't impossible to accept that there were things like that in the wide world. But, it was a different story if she were suddenly wrapped up in it  Whether she was being wrapped up in something, or Is this how things usually are around here!?" "More or less!" The one who answered was—
Coming from the sky, a magician dressed in black and white riding a broom.