Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Theory of Mangaka being uber humans

"I really love you, no matter what. Even if you were a better student than I am, I'd still love you." hentai didn't even register the absurd example that anime had thrown out. Instead, the sound of him repeating, "I love you" utterly soothed his injured heart. Once again, in a gentle voice that rose above the sound of the falling rain, style whispered in his ear. "I want to stay like this with you forever. I always want to see you, want to hold you close. I want to know your feelings for me by touching you. That's...honestly and truly how I feel." "Mmm..." Me too, hentai girl thought to himself. Wouldn't it be wonderful if they could forget about reality and just slay here like this? Looking forward to their first summer together, he had hoped for some special days. When he thought norther into the future, he expected to spend with anime. That was why he could stand to be lonely tot it lin le while, especially when his depression was quickly resolved.